| Video |
Sarah Grant | Poetry

Sarah Grant - Introduction || Spoken Word Poetry ||

A Love Letter To Hermione Granger | Poem By Sarah Grant

April | Short Film and Poem | by Sarah Grant

Sarah Grant - Apply Within || Spoken Word Poetry ||

SPARK | Cinepoem by Sarah Grant

Resilience | Cinepoem
| Publication |
'Maps' 404 Ink Magazine Issue 6: Space - Jan 2020
'The Boy Made of Piano Keys' debut collection, Speculative books - Aug 2018
To purchase a copy click here

| Performance |

In November 2019 Sarah debuted her first one woman spoken word show, 'Spark'.
The last woman to ever be executed for the crime of witchcraft in the British Isles was Scottish Highlander, Janet Horne, in 1729. She was taken from her home and burned alive for not denying her power. Almost 300 years later and Glasgow Girl Sarah Grant doesn't think much has changed. In a time where power and voice has been replaced with influencers and twitter, Sarah goes back to the roots of her family and femininity to find the source of her power, and if that makes her a witch then pass the pointy hat! 'Spark' examines female persecution and asks if womanhood is an act of burning at the stake or rising from the ashes.
Sarah hopes to do a limited run at the 2020 Fringe and then a national tour in 2021.
See the full show here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETAeUnGSKO8